Non-surgical Double Chin Removal


Why do you have Double Chin?

Age: This is the number 1 cause of double chin. As you age, 2 things happen which will result in worsening of your double chin.

Firstly, you accumulate double chin fat because of slower metabolism as you age.

Secondly, you develop sagging neck skin due to loss of collagen. Studies have shown that collagen loss happens at the rate of 1-2% per year. Loose under-chin and neck skin also causes prominent double chins. These 2 factors result in worsening of your double chin over time.

Genetics: The second most common cause of double chin is genetic. In fact, more than 50% of patients that I see have double chin since young. This is because of their jaw and chin structure.Asians tend to have a “small” chin, also known as receded chin.

When you have a “small” chin, even small pockets of double chin fat appears relatively more prominent than usual. If you have a “small” chin, you will need dermal fillers to contour your chin and achieve a stronger jaw-line.

Another genetic cause of double chin stems from family history. It is not uncommon to see mothers and daughters facing the same issue of double chin fats.

Diet and Lifestyle: An unhealthy diet such as high fat, high caloric diet will worsen your double chin because of increased accumulation of fat. Coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, this is one of the most common causes of double chin fat in modern society.

Other lifestyle factors like sun-tanning or sun-bathing will increase sun-damage of your neck skin. This results in skin thinning and collagen loss which results in loose under-chin and neck skin.

Posture: Correcting your posture is the fastest and yet the toughest method to correct your posture. Why is this so?

If you have a prominent double chin due to “slouching” or “hunching”, you can improve your double chin appearance instantly by having a more upright posture. However, it is difficult to sustain this and requires discipline to maintain a good posture. Other lifestyle factors like sun-tanning or sun-bathing will increase sun-damage of your neck skin. This results in skin thinning and collagen loss which results in loose under-chin and neck skin.

How to get rid of double chin? Tips to Achieve Permanent Results
To reduce double chin fullness effectively and to maintain permanent results, you will need both in-clinic treatments and regular lifestyle maintenance. These are the home-based lifestyle treatments you need to commit to maintain double chin reduction results.

While double chin exercises may not remove fat directly, they can help to strengthen and tone your muscles. These are common double chin exercises that might help to tone your under-chin and neck skin such as straight jaw jut, neck stretch and bottom jaw jut. With daily exercises over months, you will see gradual improvements.

You can reduce your double chin by losing weight. This is especially useful if your double chin is caused specifically by fat. The best way is to have a healthy diet that is low in fat. You should also avoid fried foods and eat low-fat dairy products.

If your double chin is due to loose and sun-damaged skin, lifestyle changes such as avoiding excessive sun exposure will help to reduce your skin’s collagen loss. Prevention is also better than cure. Applying sun-block regularly will prevent worsening of the loose chin at your under-chin.

Non-Surgical Double Chin Treatments:

If your double chin is due to loose and sun-damaged skin, lifestyle changes such as avoiding excessive sun exposure will help to reduce your skin’s collagen loss. Prevention is also better than cure. Applying sun-block regularly will prevent worsening of the loose chin at your under-chin. Our Double Chin Reduction treatments can effectively reduce the appearance of the double chin without painful surgery or long downtime.


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