SmartSonic HIFU BodyContouring Treatment



High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) also known as Ultherapy, and Micro-focused ultrasound is a well-known skin rejuvenation and anti-aging treatment and now also for body sculpting. It is a non-surgical and a non-laser procedure that directs High Intensity Focused Ultrasound also known as ‘HIFU-Knife ‘into the deep skin layer, in order to gently heat the tissue to lift and tighten aged skin without any incisions or disrupting skin surface.

HIFU technology is able to transfer the heat energy into 3 ~ 4.5 mm under the surface of the skin (SMAS).  It will heat the SMAS up to 60℃~80℃, then raises thermal coagulation point which accelerates skin rejuvenation process and maximizes tightening effect. Previously as a clinic you would have had to use a range of treatments with ongoing courses to achieve anything like the results from just 1 treatment with HIFU. Not all results are instant or permanent and treatments needs time for long term effects to show through.

With HIFU we are targeting at different depth and we can get right down to the SMAS (Superficial Muscular Apo-neurotic System) area offering long lasting amazing results with little to no down time to the end client. HIFU uses ultrasound technology to send sound waves in lines of 21 precise dots through every layer of the facial tissue causing trauma and thus a healing response over time. HIFU can firm and tone the epidermis and dermis and tone and tighten the muscle, helping to redefine the facial features and smooth the facial tissues, removing fine lines and wrinkles and reduce body mass.


Ultrasound is the most commonly used diagnostic imaging and accounts for approximately 25% of all imaging examinations performed worldwide nowadays. Ultrasound is an acoustic wave with frequencies greater than the maximum frequency audible to humans, which is 20 kHz

The sound or acoustic power is radiated by a single element focusing transducer. These transducers can be different depths. Focusing the sun rays onto a small spot with a magnifying glass to start a fire is a something we have all tried as children. High-intensity focused ultrasound therapy is a technology with similar to this using ultrasound instead of sunrays. HIFU therapy can transport energy in the form of Ultrasound waves through the skin to specific target points I.e the fat cells and then increase the temperature. Around 60 to 70 degrees will cause the breakdown of fat tissue. (fat necrosis).

Once the fat cells are disrupted, this results in chemical signals that activate the body’s inflammatory response. Macrophage cells (see below) are attracted to the area where the treatment is applied, and here they transport lipids and waste products of the fat cell, resulting in a total decrease in the volume of local fat tissue.

Macrophage Cells

A Macrophage is a large white blood cell that is an important part of our immune system. The word ‘macrophage’ literally means ‘big eater.’ It’s an amoeba-like organism, and its job is to clean our body of microscopic debris and invaders. A macrophage has the ability to locate and ‘eat’ particles, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and waste products.

Macrophages are born from white blood cells called Monogytes, which are produced by stem cells in our bone marrow. Monocytes move through the bloodstream and when they leave the blood, they mature into macrophages. They live for months, patrolling our cells and organs and keeping them clean. There are no major adverse effects on the skin or surrounding tissue documented after HIFU lipolysis. Fat necrosis with infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages without surrounding tissue damage gives fat reduction results with little or no pain to the clients.


1. Body Consultation

Treatment results can be shown differently depending on degree of obesity and post-treatment care. A patient who has irregular eating habit or life style will have less outcome. It is because treatment outcome varies according to fat burning frequency on metabolism activity. Therefore, customising treatment depending on obesity degree is the first thing to check before giving the treatment. There are 2 main methods, which are Pinch Test and Body Measurement

2. Skin preparation

Skin areas are cleansed with saline or alcohol swab. Marking is done as to which areas are to be targeted and which areas to be avoided

3. Start the treatment
  • Avoid any heat, heavy exercise or massage on the area for 5-7 days
  • Avoid sunlight throughout treatment course and were spf at all times
  • Avoid exfoliating the skin for 7-10 days
  • Avoid makeup for 72 hours (mineral can be worn after 24h)
  • Drink 2 litres of water per day
  • Follow treatment with recommended homecare products including SPF


The number of sessions is decided by the bulk of adipose tissue, the extent of sagging skin and the desired result. Usually, a course of 3 session is sufficient at a gap of 1 month apart. If 5 sessions are needed then the 4th and 5th session should be at a gap of 3 months after the result of 3rd session has shown. Maintenance once a year.

before and after

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