Warts and Verruca Removal


What are warts and verrucae?

Warts are small lumps on the surface of the skin which usually occur on the fingers, knuckles and palms and feel firm to the touch. Verrucae can occur on the sole of the foot or toes. They are under the skin and usually have distinctive tiny black dots which are blood vessels. Warts do not cause pain but they could be itchy and a verruca could cause some pain and can feel like standing on a needle. Occasionally they may go away on their own, but this can take months or even years, so it is best to seek the advice of a medical practitioner.

What causes warts and verrucae?

Warts are caused by different strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV). They can spread easily through skin to skin contact and can also be passed on through indirect contact such as towels, shoes and floors. They are more likely to spread if the skin is wet or damaged, hence why infection can be linked to swimming pools and communal showers. Also if you scratch a wart or verruca, the viral particles can easily spread to other areas of your skin.


What is the best method to remove a wart or verruca?

At Oceania, We use CO2 laser removal method. A highly targeted beam of laser light is aimed at the wart or verruca. The energy from the laser heats up the blood vessels feeding the problem area, which collapse in on themselves as a result and stop the blood supply. This starves the wart or verruca of nutrients so it naturally falls off after a few weeks. The treatment is performed with a CO2 laser which can treat warts with remarkable safety and efficacy. Laser treatment is particularly effective for those stubborn cases that may have been resistant to previous treatments.

before and after
before and after

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Warts are small lumps on the surface of the skin which usually occur on the fingers, knuckles and palms and feel firm to the touch. Verrucae can occur on the sole of the foot or toes. They are under the skin and usually have distinctive tiny black dots which are blood vessels. Warts do not cause pain but they could be itchy and a verruca could cause some pain and can feel like standing on a needle. Occasionally they may go away on their own, but this can take months or even years, so it is best to seek the advice of a medical practitioner.

At Oceania, We use CO2 laser removal method. A highly targeted beam of laser light is aimed at the wart or verruca. The energy from the laser heats up the blood vessels feeding the problem area, which collapse in on themselves as a result and stop the blood supply. This starves the wart or verruca of nutrients so it naturally falls off after a few weeks. The treatment is performed with a CO2 laser which can treat warts with remarkable safety and efficacy. Laser treatment is particularly effective for those stubborn cases that may have been resistant to previous treatments.

The procedure usually only takes a few minutes. An anaesthetic may be applied before removal but isn’t always necessary, as there is minimal discomfort during the treatment. The healthy skin around your wart or verruca won’t be damaged.

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